| 1. | The sportsman of african union peace keeping force says the violence in mogadishu is becoming more deadly and better organized 非盟发言人说摩加迪沙的战事正趋于白热化,非盟的组织也更加有力了。 |
| 2. | A plane carrying 11 people aiding the african union peace keeping force in somalia crashed friday near the capital mogadishu 一架载着11人的飞机与周五在索马里首都摩加迪沙坠毁,机内人员是索马里非洲维和联军的援助者。 |
| 3. | The debate is begun about which countries will provide troops for a un peace keeping force in lebanon . so far , bangladesh , france and italy are promising to send soldiers 关于哪些国家将向黎巴嫩派遣维和士兵引起争议。迄今为止,孟加拉国,法国和意大利答应派遣维和士兵。 |
| 4. | The debate is begun about which countries will provide troops for a un peace keeping force in lebanon . so far , bangladesh , france and italy are promising to send soldiers 有关由哪些国家为联合国提供驻黎维和部队引发了一场争论。迄今为止,孟加拉国、法国和意大利有望派遣士兵。 |
| 5. | Earlier this week , the commander of african union peace keeping forces in somalia urged several african countries to speed up their promised deployment of troops to help secure mogadishu 本周早些时候,驻索马里非盟长官催促几个非洲国家,希望他们加快所承诺的武装攻势,以帮助保卫摩加迪沙。 |
| 6. | The african union peace keeping force currently includes fewer than 2000 ugandan soldiers . resistance fighters attacked the ugandan troops daily since their arrival in mogadishu earlier this month 非盟目前只有不到2000人的乌干达士兵。他们本月早些时候进入摩加迪沙,每天都受到反政府军的攻击。 |